The Entry of the Newest Gordon...

It's me Benjamin Hayden Gordon...  Hey, I bet you don't look this good when you first wake up...


And here is my Mom...

She does look a little wore out...  Hey Mom, just wait the fun is just starting...


And Guess who this Big Guy is...

Naw, that's me the little guy with my Mom...  I'll be as big as the big guy just when he isn't expecting it!  Hang in there Dad. You haven't seen anything yet...

Hmmm... Where are my Gramma's and Granpa's??? 

Merry Christmas Everyone...  We'll talk about the tax deduction later dad...  You think your getting off easy!!!

Here am I with my Gramma and Grandpa!!!  Ahh, I'm the cute one... Of Course!!!

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Last Updated 01/17/06